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Woman’s Guide to Squats

Hey ladies! Are you new to squatting?

If you are, this would be a very good opportunity for you to learn what is well known to be the mother of all exercises, the Squats.

Yes, ladies, the secret to toned legs and a perfect butt are Squat.

The squat is considered a compound movement, it works for multiple muscle groups across multiple joints. The primary muscles involved in the movement are your quadriceps (the muscles in the front of your thighs) and your glutes (your butt muscles). On the eccentric part of the move or the lowering portion of the squat, the muscles in your hamstrings and your hip flexors fire too. Squats also work the muscles around the knee, which helps build strength and prevent injury.

When executing the exercise your core muscles fire in order to keep you stable. Your abs are stabilizers and assist in weight-bearing movements. A strong core is important and can help reduce the risk of lower back pain.

Plus, since a proper squat requires mobility in your hips and ankles, you can also consider squatting a mobility exercise that can help you move better.

And if you are looking for a full-body program broken up into specific areas of the body then this might interest you.

What muscles do squats work, and what are the benefits of squats for beginners?

  1. Works for multiple muscle groups across multiple joints

  2. Strengthening the lower back

  3. Your core muscles fire in order to keep you stable and can help reduce the risk of lower back pain.

  4. A mobility exercise that can help you move better

  5. Strengthening the muscles in the legs, including the quadriceps, calves, and hamstrings

  6. Strengthening the knee joint

  7. Burning fat and promoting weight loss

  8. Improving flexibility in the lower body

How many squats should you do a day?

When it comes to how many squats should you do in a day, there’s no ultimate number - it would depend on your individual goals. If you are new at doing this exercise you may aim for 3 sets of 12-15 reps. A few days a week of practice would be a good way to start.

Now you know that the squat is a compound, full-body exercise that is perfect for strengthening the lower body, especially the glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps. When it comes to squats, you might be wondering whether or not you should be doing weighted squats or not.

What are Weighted Squats?

You will challenge yourself with more resistance by using dumbbells, a barbell, or a kettlebell. I don’t need to tell you that the squat is worth doing, but there are probably more benefits to doing squats than you’re aware of.

For one, squatting is a movement pattern we engage in daily — like when we sit or bend down to pick something up — so it’s important to practice the motion.

Benefits of Weighted Squats:

You have been told that squats are beneficial, but do you know why?

Squats require a good blend of mobility, stability, and functional strength to perform properly, and when done so, are a fantastic full-body exercise.

Everyone should be able to perform a controlled, deep squat for a basic level of fitness, functionality, and quality of life.

This exercise will stimulate a huge amount of muscle in your body. Not just a leg exercise especially if you add additional weight. That’s because the move requires an isometric holding of weight, a static muscle contraction without any movement making this a full-body exercise.

  1. Squats will predominantly target your quads (the muscles in the front of your thighs)

  2. Glutes (your butt muscles)

  3. Hamstrings (the muscles in the back of your thighs)

  4. Lower back muscles.

  5. Weighted squats, help you build stronger bones, which can help prevent osteopenia or osteoporosis as you get older

  6. A weighted squat - you’re also working your upper body.

What are the benefits of squats?

Experts regard the squat as one of the most effective exercises for enhancing athletic performance. It is relatively easy for most people to perform because it does not require any equipment.

The specific benefits to the body include:

  • strengthening the muscles

  • in the legs, including the quadriceps, calves, and hamstrings

  • strengthening the knee joint

  • burning fat and promoting weight loss

  • strengthening the lower back

  • improving flexibility in the lower body

What are the disadvantages?

People who squat without proper form may experience knee pain. They can help prevent this by ensuring that the knees stay in line with the feet during the squat.

Squatting with weights can increase the risk of injury, including damage to the knees or lower back, when a person does not perform the exercise correctly. Anyone performing weighted squats for the first time should consider seeking the guidance of a trainer.

Tips to reduce the risk of injuries while squatting include:

  • warming up properly to prevent muscle injuries

  • keeping the back straight at all times

  • ensuring that the knees stay in line with the feet

  • avoiding sudden or large increases in weight

  • hiring a personal trainer to practice good form, if new to squatting or using weights

Prevention and how to squat

Warming up properly before exercising can help prevent injury. Warming up the body is especially important in older adults, as muscles become less flexible and can tear more easily as people age.

To warm up, use movements that mobilize the joints and increase the flow of blood and oxygen to the muscles, such as marching on the spot. Stretching the legs before and after exercise can also help lower the risk of injury or strains.

To squat correctly:

  • start in a standing position

  • keep the feet shoulder-width apart

  • while exhaling, bend the knees and lower the buttocks as though going to sit down

  • hold the arms out to maintain balance

  • ensure that the heels remain planted on the floor

  • keep the buttocks above knee level and only go as low as is possible without causing discomfort

  • keep the thighs parallel to the floor

  • keep the back in a straight, neutral position

  • make sure that the hips, knees, and toes are all pointing forward

  • inhale and return to a standing position by pushing down into the heels and keeping the buttocks tight

​It's no secret that squats and weighted squats are two of the best workouts you can do to help tone your butt, thighs, and legs. Squats are one of the most effective and basic exercises you can do with a barbell.

Typically, those just starting out want to learn how to squat properly, while more advanced exercisers want to know when they should be adding weight to their barbell.

My goal for this page is to give beginner women some safe advice about how to start squat training safely, properly, and with confidence. It is natural to be a bit nervous the first few times you perform a full-depth squat, but it's really not that hard if you take small steps and you have someone spotting you who knows what they are doing.

If you need some guidance and help with your daily squat exercise. It’s easy, just follow my exercise videos and training exercises that may interest you and start your wellness and fitness journey that you have always been so reluctant to go through.

And if you are looking for a new way to get moving? We have plenty of options.

Let me help and guide you.

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